• Ms. Haselmann 2017/2018
    Due to the closing of school for the Coronovirus, all classes will be digitally based to provide distance learning that is relevant and focused on preparing for the upcoming AP Exam or the FSA Exams. All assignments will be provided through the Edmodo platform which will guide all students to where and how the assignmnets will be done. All parents are encouraged to join the student's Edmodo so they are aware of wht needs to be completed. I am always available through my email so feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
    Thank you for helping in making sure your child receives the necessary instruction to be prepared for the AP Exam as well as developing the higher level skills this class provides.
    Room 561
    Welcome to Ms. Haselmann's AP Language Composition and English II Honors classes. I look forward to having a great year in all my classes and hopefully we will create an enjoyable learning environment where all students will excel.These are high level classes so it is important that we establish the expectations in advance.
    1. There is no such thing as late work. All assignments must be turned in on the due dates if you expect to receive a passing grade. Failure to meet the rquired due date will result in a 0. If you are absent, the assignments are still due on the set date as you turn in most assignments digitally, through turnitin, Edmodo, or email. If you are absent when there is classwork, you have 3 days to get an excused admit and turn in the assignment. 
    2. You are expected to be on time to class. Tardies are handled like absences: if it is unexcused you cannot make up any work. Only 3 excused tardies will be accepted as that is a courtesy to help in emergencies and not expected to become the norm.
    3.  If you have any problems with grades or any issue that is not about assignments, curriculum, or class expectations, you may NOT come to my class and discuss them, you must come to my office hours which are Thursday 6:30-7:15 AM or 2:30-3:15 PM. You may email me at any time and can expect to receive a respose within 24 hours.
    4. Since most of the work for this class is typed, you will need the use of a computer. If you do not have one there will be laptops available to check out for the year.  
    5. You will not be allowed to use or charge your cellphones in my class. Make sure they are put away before you enter the room. Do not come in the class with headphones around your neck or in your ears, period, as you will not be allowed to listen to music. This is a rigorous class and I need your undivided  attention.
    Please remember that Beach High is a uniform school and all students are expected to come to school in their uniforms and wearing their ID's. If you come to my class without your uniform or ID, you will be required to get a uniform violation.  Also, outer wear must be red, white, or grey otherwise a uniform violation will be issued.
    I expect all students to arrive on time an be prepared to start the class work as soon as the bell rings.
    All students will show show respect for all members of the class.
    All students are expected to be active perticipants in classroom activities and turn all assignments in ON TIME. I will not accept late work.
    Because of the large number of students taking AP Language Composition we only have class sets of books. However, I provided a link below to access the book digitally .
    The Language of Composition
    Second Edition
    English ll will be using HMH Collections which is accessible through your student portal.
Last Modified on April 3, 2020