• Class Rules
    1..If you have no pen, no pencil, nor book, you can not complete the work assigned. So bring you materials with you daily.


    2. Working with individuals and in small groups is important to this learning classroom, your cooperation is expected.

    3. Every minute counts, so please be in school everyday. If you are absent, you will miss valuable information that is meant to help you pass. When absent, you are required to bring admit for me to sign.

    4. If you finish early, you are expected to complete other assignments of enjoy some reading.


    5. Class work and/or Homework assignments are due when stated and are to be written in blue or black ink. Late work will not be accepted. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to arrange for makeup.


    6. Disturbing or bothering other people is unacceptable and you are keeping others from getting and education, so don’t do it!


    7 Chewing gum, eating or drinking (except water) is unacceptable in class.


    8. Sleeping is untolerated, please do it at home


    9. Marking up desks, writing on the walls, or otherwise defacing school or my personal property violates the school’s rules and will not be permitted.


    10. If you have a question or comment, please raise your hand and show me you know how to be patient I will eventually call on you.
    11. Please be in you seat when the tardy bell rings. Student arriving after the bell will receive detention.
    12. Phones must remain in your bags or pockets