1. Be a member of the Brazilian Club or a Portuguese student in the school year of 2014 -2015
    2. Have excellent attendance in the Brazilian Club meetings, if student is a club member  and in school
    3. Have excellent participation in the Brazilian club affairs, if student is a club member (fundraising, events, etc )
    4. Have a 3.0 GPA unweighted.
    5. Have a minimum of 75 hours of community service.
    6. No referral for discipline.





    In order to receive the scholarship check, the recipient must obtain a registration at a college or university in the territory of the United States within one year of the date stamped on the scholarship letter. The confirmation letter will be issued at the award ceremony for seniors in May (date and location TBA). 


        Mrs. Arslanian through her partnership with the Brazilian community tries every year

        to get cash for Miami Beach Senior High students for college purposes. The

       scholarship will be given to any student, regardless of their nationality, race, religion or

       sex preferences. It is upon Mrs.Arslanian’s decision to select the recipients for the

        scholarship based upon the criteria above. Mrs. Arslanian will make the ultimate

        decision on who receives the scholarship in case of a tie, or in the event that a

        deserving student does not meet one of the criterias.