(305) 532-4515 EXT 2373- Room 373- imenendez@dadeschools.net


    1. Content: This course will focus upon the major concepts in Chemistry. The science of matter will be explored through lecture, demonstrations, readings and laboratory work.


    1. Course Goals: This course will enhance the students’ understanding of the role of chemistry (and chemicals) in their life and give them a firm foundation for their future college courses.


    1. Course Outline:



    Quarter I

    I.    Introduction to Chemistry and

      Lab Safety

    II.   Scientific Measurements           

    III.  Matter and Change

    IV.   Atomic Structure

    Quarter II

     V.    Electrons in Atoms

    VI.    The Periodic Table

    VII.   Ionic and Metallic Bonding

    VIII.  Covalent Bonding

    Quarter III

    IX.    Chemical Names and Formulas

    X.     Chemical Quantities

    XI.    Chemical Reactions

    XII.   Stoichiometry

    Quarter IV

    XIII.   The Behavior of Gases

    XIV.    Solutions

    XV.     Acid, Bases and Salts

    XVII.   Nuclear Chemistry



    Textbook: Florida Chemistry Matter and Change.  Mc Graw Hill

    Students can access the online edition from their students’ portal.


     Required Materials: Three ring binder, 2 dividers (notes/handouts and lab journal), paper, pencils and pens, erasers, and a calculator


    Grading Procedure: Grades are based on classwork, homework, lab reports and tests

    1. Classwork and homework will be worth between 0.25 percent-1 full grade (based on difficulty and length of assignments).
    2. Quizzes will be worth two (2) grades. 
    3. Labs will be worth two (2) grades.
    4. Test will be worth three (3) grades.
    5. A grade “Z” (0) will be given for all missing or past-due work.
    6. Grading for any special projects or assignments will be disclosed on individual basis.
    7. Grades will be computed according to Miami-Dade County Public School grading scale.

      A = 90% - 100%   B = 80% - 89% C = 70% - 79%   D = 60% - 69% F = below 59

    Course Requirements: You are expected to be prepared and to participate in all classroom activities (lectures and labs). Do the Home learning. Chemistry cannot be learned the night before the exam. You must practice every day. Think critically about discussion in class and engage in all cooperative group work (Labs, project and presentations). Always attend class. Be responsible for all information missed in case you are absent.

    Lab Fee: There is a $5.00 science lab fee for every student at Beach High enrolled in a science class. Students can pay the fee during school hours at the treasurer’s office or online on the school portal under apps & services (Look for Online School Payments, OSP) .The fee is to buy supplies needed for the labs.

    Extra credit: Opportunities for extra credit may be given to the whole class during the course of the whole year.


    Cheating/Plagiarism: The Miami Beach Senior High School Academic Integrity Policy will be strictly enforced. Refer to the school website to review it.





    Communication with the teacher: Parents and students may contact me by email (imenendez@dadeschools.net)

    Edmodo.com will be used daily for class news, reminders, and most materials used in class. Students will be setting up their accounts in class. Edmodo is a very safe, social learning platform. Personal contact information is never exchanged. Students will be provided the Edmodo Class Code upon setting up their accounts during class.
     All students must create an Edmodo account, and they must check it daily for updates.  This is absolutely critical and essential for success in my class.

    Classroom Expectations


    1. BE RESPECTFUL-Show respect to teachers, students and property.     
    2. BE PROMPT- Come to class on time and ready to learn.
    3. BE PREPARED- Bring all required materials to class.
    4. BE PRODUCTIVE- Complete assignments on time and to the best of your ability.
    5. BE POSITIVE- Know that you can and will succeed in this class!

    Classroom Policies:


    Homework will be assigned each class meeting and it will be checked randomly. It may include a written assignment, reading, practice problems, studying, working on a research project, or bringing an item needed for the next class.  No homework will be accepted late. If you are absent the day a homework assignment is due, be ready to turn it in when returning to class.

    Homework is due at the beginning of the period. Place it in the assigned bin as soon as you enter the room.


    It is imperative for students to attend class regularly. In case of an excused absence, it is the learner’s responsibility to ask the instructor for all missed assignments. The learner will have the same number of days the other students had to complete the assignment. Missing assignments will result in F’s.

    Tests missed due to an excused absence should be taken within one week following the absence. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule the time to make-up the test. Missed tests will only be given after school. No make-up tests will be given during class time.


    Students who are elsewhere in the school without having received prior approval will be considered unexcused. Passes from other teachers will not be accepted after 15 minutes.


    Students must be on time to class and are to be seated quietly in their assigned seats when the bell rings or they will be considered tardy. In this case, they will be marked tardy in the grade book.

    Late Assignment

    Students are expected to turn all; completed assignments in at the time scheduled by the teacher. No late assignments will be accepted. Late projects will be accepted one day after the due date with a 10 points reduction.


    • No food, beverages, or gum are allowed in class.
    • No electronic device is allowed in class unless instructed to do so. Disciplinary actions will be taken according to the MBSHS Electronic Device Policy.
    • Backpacks and purses are to remain off the desks at all times.
    • Be alert. Do not put your head down in class.
    • Be respectful. Refrain from impolite language or profanity in the classroom.
    • Restroom passes are given unless the privilege is abused. Take and return the yellow hall pass.
    • Lab rules/procedures/directions and safety precautions must be followed and will be strictly enforced.







    (305) 532-4515 EXT 2373- Room 373- imenendez@dadeschools.net




    I have read, and I understand the requirements and expectations of this class.

    I have received a copy of the class syllabus.

    This Syllabus is also available on the Miami Beach Senior High School Web Page.

     http://miamibeachhigh.schoolwires.com -> Teachers -> Irene Menendez











    Parent/Guardian Name(print):







